Hans Nicolay Christensen
- Født: 2 Apr. 1866, Nolde, Burkal Sogn
- Dåb: 14 Apr. 1866, Burkal Kirke
- Død: 14 Jul. 1889, Saratoga, Wyoming, USA i en alder af 23 år
Dødsårsag: Vådeskud.
Konfirmeret 1881 i Tinglev
Han udvandrede 22. maj 1885. Han rejste med skibet "India" fra Hamborg til New York.
På "Find a grave.com" er fundet denne tekst:
Birth: Apr. 2, 1866, Denmark Death: Jul. 14, 1889 Saratoga Carbon County Wyoming, USA Taken from Carbon County Journal, July 20, 1889 page 3. Hans had came to America from Denmark ahead of his brother Ingvert (Ivor or Evi). Ivor was my Great-grandfather. Hans was working on the II Bar Ranch owned by Mr. Kuykendall. His son Harry accidently shot Hans while loading his gun, several hands from the ranch on this Sunday afternoon were shooting at a mark. He would be one of the first to be buried here at the Cadwell Cemetery, there is no headstone only the 2 newspaper articles reporting the accident. Burial:
Cadwell Cemetery Saratoga Carbon County Wyoming, USA
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